Why do we do this?
For our children
Help Brigi, Kriszti, Vera, Zsófi, Feri and Máté to move in their dream house – a place where everyone would love to go home happily.
For ourselves
Help us to avoid that since there is no other options, our children must be sent to a mass institution at the border of the country when we are not able to take care of them anymore.
Instead of the state
By donating, contribute to create what the state will not do, despite the fact it has undertaken to do so by law.
Support our case!
Donate on the Hungarian adjukössze.hu platform to help us build a new, private home for our children!
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Why do we need to do this?
All of us would like to ensure the best conditions for our children. It is extremely important to find their place in the world, and to keep them safe even when we are not for them anymore. But what happens when parents could only choose between bad and even worse options when it comes to their children’s future?
In Hungary there are more than 400.000 people who live with disabilities, 52.000 of them live in the capital. Among them the most vulnerable people are those with severely and multiple disabilities – and also their families. Most of these people live with their families at home – that’s why the other members of these families are forced to organize their life around caring duties all the time. Parents are unable to work or find really hard to get a job – so often, these families will be isolated. Those who cannot afford to take care of their children at home because of the huge financial, emotional, mental, and physical burdens are forced to send their children to social care “homes”, mass institutions where they are far from their homes, under unworthy and derogatory conditions.
Six mothers taking care of their children with severely, multiple disabilities, together with the foundation that has been working actively behind us, decided not to accept these current opportunities and instead of giving up we will establish the first housing type designed especially for people with severely multiple disabilities that will ensure dignity and social life for them – this form is called Supported living.
You donate for them

„We would like a home where they can live in the utmost love, safety and peace, without harassment and abuse. Then we parents would be truly at peace.” – Klári and Kriszti
„We would like a house where our children can live happily ever after” – Edit, Zsolt and Zsófi

„I would like a house where I can keep Feri safe. Where he will be loved when I’m gone. Where he will be cared for. Where he will be stroked, hugged and loved.” – Magdi and Fecó
„I would like a house where she is loved, safe, sometimes caressed and cared for, looked after”- Olga and Vera

„I would like a house where Máté is safe and loved.” – Ildiko and Máté
„I would like a house where Brigi feels at home… But without me.” – Évi and Brigi

In order to build this modern and accessible home for people with higher needs, we need all the support. In case you can contribute with any kind of commodity, building materials, or skilled work, please contact us via email: gondozotthon@gmail.com.
With our initiative we would like to set an example that adult people with severely, multiple disabilities thorough the country could live separately, independently but close to their families, like any of us.
With your contribution you will be a part of our journey in achieving a unique initiative!
We appreciate your kindness and support! Thank You!